TexAu Review Insights on Features, Pros, and Cons (2024)

By Rebecca Meyer · May 28, 2024

Nowadays, businesses are constantly looking for automation tools to simplify their processes.

Where TexAu, a powerful tool that promises to:

  • Automate repetitive web tasks
  • Simplify lead generation
  • Improve overall business efficiency

With thousands of businesses already relying on TexAu, this tool has clearly made a significant impact.

In this TextAu review, we’ll explore what makes it stand out, how to get started with it, its key features, and its pros and cons.

We’ll also discuss its pricing structure and conclude with some final thoughts and frequently asked questions.

TexAu is a jack-of-all-trade automation tool similar to Phantombuster.

Getting Started with TexAu

Getting started with TexAu is straightforward, even for those who might not be tech-savvy.

The platform offers a free two-week trial, allowing users to explore its features without financial commitment.

This trial period is a great way to understand the tool’s capabilities and see how it can fit into your workflow.

  1. Sign-Up Process: To begin, visit the TexAu website and click the “Get Started Now” button. Then, provide your email address and set a password to create an account.
  2. Onboarding: Once signed up, TexAu offers a simple onboarding process. You’ll receive emails and in-app guides that walk you through setting up your first automation.
  3. Dashboard Overview: The dashboard is clean and user-friendly. It provides quick access to various automation recipes, integrations, and workflows. Even if you’re new to automation tools, navigating TexAu will be fairly simple.

Features that Stand Out

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TexAu boasts an impressive collection of features designed to make web automation smooth.

Here are some of the standout features:

  • Wide Range of Automation: With over 200+ automations customized for more than ten different platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Quora, TexAu covers a broad spectrum of tasks. Whether you need to scrape data, generate leads, or automate outreach, there’s likely an automation recipe.
  • Ease of Use: One of TexAu’s key strengths is its ease of use. You don’t need to write any code to create powerful automation workflows. Just fill in the required inputs, run the automation, and get the results in seconds.
  • Prospector Tool: Finding the right contact at a company can be time-consuming. TexAu’s Prospector tool simplifies this process by quickly helping you find contacts with specific job titles at thousands of companies.
  • Integration with CRMs: TexAu integrates smoothly with major CRM systems and cold outreach tools like Snov.io, Hunter.io, Lemlist, Fullcontact, and Zapier. It allows you to pass data directly into your preferred CRM or download it for further use.
  • Data Enrichment: TexAu also offers data enrichment capabilities. You can use its CRM to enrich contact data by finding company domains from names, extracting meta tags, and even getting updated emails of employees from target companies.
  • Workflow Creation: The drag-and-drop workflow builder lets you connect different services and create complex automation chains in minutes. This feature is useful for creating custom workflows tailored to your unique business needs.

Pros and Cons

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Every tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and TexAu is no exception.

Here’s a balanced look at the pros and cons:


  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is accessible even to those with limited technical skills.
  • Extensive Automation Library: With over 200+ automations available, users have plenty of options.
  • Powerful Integrations: Integration with popular CRMs and other tools enhances the utility of TexAu.
  • Custom Workflows: Creating custom workflows using a drag-and-drop interface is a significant advantage.
  • Free Trial: The two-week free trial allows users to explore the tool without financial risk.
  • Desktop App & Cloud App: TexAu allows you to run automation on its cloud platform or locally using its desktop app. This allows you to get the best of both worlds. You can save on the cost by running workloads locally for workloads or using the cloud if you want your schedule and automation to run 24/7.


  • Learning Curve: Despite its user-friendly design, there can be a learning curve for users new to automation tools.
  • Pricing for Advanced Features: Some advanced features may require higher-tier subscriptions.
  • Dependence on Third-Party Platforms: TexAu relies on third-party platforms for many of its automation, and any changes or restrictions these platforms make can impact TexAu’s functionality. For example, you cannot exceed the LinkedIn limit of 100 weekly requests.
  • No way to deploy custom script: Unlike platforms like Phantombuster and Apify, TexAu doesn’t allow you to deploy and run custom scripts, which can limit its use cases.

Use cases

TexAu supports many platforms:

  • Youtube
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Google
  • Reddit
  • Quora
  • Pinterest
  • Medium
  • Yello pages
  • Slack
  • ProfuctHunt

For each platform, TexAu offers ready-made automation called Spice.

Some spices focus on data extraction.

For example, you will find a spice to extract the result of a Sales Navigator search. This Spice can easily be used with our Sales Navigator search template to extract more than 2500 results per search.

Some spice will act on your behalf, like sending LinkedIn contact requests.

This automation can help you grow your audience on various social media platforms like LinkedIn & Twitter.


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TexAu offers three main pricing plans for its cloud service, each billed yearly:

Cloud Starter

  • Price: $290/year
  • Total Execution Time/Day: 1.5 hours
  • Email Enrichment/Day: 20
  • File Storage: 1 GB
  • Automation at a time: 5
  • TexAu Desktop App
  • Access to 180+ Automation Library
  • CSV/Google Sheet Processing

Cloud Growth

  • Price: $790/year
  • Total Execution Time/Day: 4 hours
  • Email Enrichment/Day: 40
  • File Storage: 12 GB
  • Automation at a time: 10
  • TexAu Desktop App
  • Access to 180+ Automation Library
  • CSV/Google Sheet Processing

Cloud Agency

  • Price: $1990/year
  • Total Execution Time/Day: 10 hours
  • Email Enrichment/Day: 100
  • File Storage: 25 GB
  • Automation at a time: 25
  • TexAu Desktop App
  • Access to 180+ Automation Library
  • CSV/Google Sheet Processing

Common Benefits Across All Plans:

  • No Proxy is Required when using the Desktop App (as you will run the automation from your regular IP).
  • Pay Yearly, with an option to pay monthly (2 months free when paid yearly).
  • Access to all Spices (Basic + Premium) and all Recipes.
  • Email notifications, Slack Bot, Community & Courses.
  • Organization & Teams (varies by plan).
  • MiniCRM, Webhook Support, Zapier Integration.
  • Access to all integrations (with Recipes).
  • Support in 1 working day.


  • Data Enrichment: $0.9/profile
  • Email Enrichment: $0.02/email

Final Thoughts

TexAu is an impressive tool that brings significant value to sales teams and businesses looking to automate repetitive web tasks and simplify their lead-generation processes.

Its extensive library of automation, ease of use, powerful integrations, and custom workflow capabilities make it a must-have for those looking to boost productivity and focus on what truly matters – building relationships and growing their business.

If you are looking for more sales automation tools, here is a quick list you should explore:


Is coding knowledge required to use TexAu?

No coding knowledge is required. TexAu is designed to be user-friendly with a drag-and-drop interface for creating workflows.

What kind of support does TexAu offer?

TexAu offers various support options, including email support, a help center with guides and tutorials, and dedicated support for enterprise users.

How secure is my data with TexAu?

TexAu complies with GDPR and uses secure protocols to protect your data.

What is a Spice in TexAu?

A Spice is a tool that does one specific task on the internet. For example, it can Send a connection request, Send a message, View a profile, and Get a list of all members in a Facebook group. A TexAu’s spice is the equivalent of Phantombuster’s “Phantom”.

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